Swimmer Zone in Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon

Swimmer Zone in Blue Lagoon, Comino

It is that time of the year again.  The weather is hot, almost too hot to bear.  A trip to the beach becomes a staple occurrence.  Those who own a boat might decide to take a dip or two in the clear waters of Blue Lagoon.

The following arrangements will be in place until the 15th October.

Swimmer Zone

No vessels or objects which may endanger the safety of bathers shall be used within the swimmer zone.  The swimmer zone is reserved exclusively for bathers.

Mooring Areas

Two mooring areas are being assigned for commercials vessels.


A fairway has been established.  It shall be used solely for navigation and will be kept clear at all times.


A minimum safety clearing distance of 5 metres from the swimmer’s zone is to be maintained.  Transport Malta urges all mariners to heed these arrangements for the safety of all swimmers and boat occupants.

Please keep a good lookout, navigate with caution and at slow speeds in the channel between Comino and Cominotto.

It is prohibited to secure / moor any vessel to any of the marker buoys, swimmer zone delineation markers and related gear.