Making it easier for business


Transport Malta committed itself to expedite the process of setting up shop in Malta, this weekend.  The Authority, together with Government Departments and other entities, signed an agreement during the winding up of Public Service Week.  The  theme was ‘Investing in People’.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat delivers his address following the official signing.- La Vallette Hall – Mediterranean Conference Centre

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat talked about the World Bank’s report, ‘Ease of Doing Business’. The report is a measure standard of national economies that facilitates setting up shop in the respective countries.  The Prime Minister referred to how Malta continuously fared badly according to this scale. He said that the contrast  between a strong local economy and the negative classification sounds the need for drastic and urgent action.  The efficiency of public service,  bureaucracy and upkeep of senseless procedures result in unnecessary delays and expenses both for enterprises and for the people.  Thus, he asked the principal permanent secretary and Malta Enterprise  to prepare a report on improving the situation within two years.

The Prime Minister referred to a number of changes within public service, among which the creation of regional one stop shops and the introduction of mystery shoppers to judge on the efficiency of service given by various Government Departments.  The introduction of mobile apps in March next year will render a more professional service and the public will be served faster.  He mentioned the next step in Government technology where a person will only submit her details once for Government services and will not have to resubmit for every department.

Principal Permanent Secretary Mr Mario Cutajar delivers opening address prior to the signing of a commitment undertaken by Government Departments and Entities to enhance “Ease of Doing Business in Malta”. La Vallette Hall – Mediterranean Conference Centre

Anything that can be measured can be improved. Hence the introduction of  a standard measure for Government Departments, said Mr. Cutajar. So that Public Service will be aware of what it is offering and where it can improve. He mentioned the effort to reduce excessive bureaucracy and the monitoring of all introduced measures.  He concluded that Public Service will keep on renewing itself to offer a better quality of service both for public officers and the public.

Car pooling and Car sharing



Transport Malta commends the University Students’ Council’s initiative to provide a car park for car poolers.  Transport Malta encourages more firms and entities to implement such initiatives.


The authority, for the past months, has been supporting the initiative Bum a Lift.  The initiative is gradually introducing the culture of car pooling among parents who drive their kids to school.  Bum a lift is operating in five private schools and will be extended to more schools in the coming months.  Apart from schools, Bum a lift will be used by a number of firms.  Transport Malta will also be using the initiative to promote car pooling among its employees.

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Transport Malta authored a document which is being discussed internally.  The document proposes a number of incentives for car poolers and introduces a new concept for our country, Car Sharing.  An operator will provide a fleet of vehicles for the public.  A person will be able to book a short trip from a reserved parking space to another through a mobile app or computer.  The more people use the same parked car, the more parking spaces available and the less traffic caused by cars looking for parking in urban centres.  


In the coming months, Transport Malta together with the Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure will launch a number of projects and initiatives to promote alternative modes of transport.