Transport Malta saves €30million and the Coast Road Project. No EU funds lost.

Drone Coast Road 5August (11 of 18)_fu

Transport Malta refers to the various media reports regarding the European audit report by the European Court of Auditors recommending withholding of funds for the Coast Road project. 

The Authority clarifies the following:

• The Coast Road construction project tender was published on 19th February 2013;

• The cheapest technically and administratively compliant bids submitted totalled circa €83 million;

• Transport Malta, under direct guidance and approval from the Director of Contracts, entered into a discussion procedure with the cheapest bidders to reduce the bid from €83 million to €53 million saving €30million and saving the project itself in the process. The entire procedure and methodology used was always pre-approved and under  the guidance of the Director of Contracts , and at no point was Transport Malta asked, directed or instructed not to proceed with the process;

• The adjudication procedure adopted is not a novelty and falls within the public procurement rules in force at that time. All public procurement procedures were strictly  adhered to and the entire evaluation process was under the continuous guidance of the Department of Contracts.