Resurfacing of Triq San Anard – Tarxien

Road construction, teamwork

Transport Malta will be resurfacing parts of Triq San Anard, Tarxien as from Monday 30th March.  Works are planned to continue until Thursday 2nd April 6:00am

These works will be carried out in phases, one lane at a time. All vehicular traffic coming from Triq tal-Barrani will be diverted or through Triq il-Palma to Triq il-Kbira and then to Triq id-Dejma or can be diverted to Triq tal-Ħotba and then to Triq Ħal-Tarxien to Bulebel Industrial Estate and to Triq id-Dejma. Vehicular traffic coming from Fgura will not be affected.

The road will then be closed completely for all traffic during the last phase which is expected to start late on Wednesday and finish early Thursday morning.

Public Transport

Public Transport Route 204 coming from Tarxien going towards Żabbar will divert from Triq il-Knisja by turning right onto Triq San Anard, turn left to Triq tal-Barrani and then turn left towards Żejtun through Vjal il-25 ta’ Novembru, then left to Triq Alfred Cachia Zammit and proceed straight through Triq taċ-Ċawsli to continue with the normal route towards Żabbar.

Public Transport Routes 206 and 210 coming from Tarxien going towards Żabbar will divert from Triq il-Knisja by turning right onto Triq San Anard, turn left to Triq tal-Barrani and then turn left towards Żejtun through Vjal il-25 ta’ Novembru, then left to Triq Alfred Cachia Zammit, serving the bus stops along this road and will turn around back with the next roundabout to continue the normal route towards Żejtun Terminus.

Public Transport Route 84 coming from Tarxien going towards Żabbar will divert from Triq il-Knisja by turning right onto Triq San Anard, turn left to Triq tal-Barrani and then turn left towards Żejtun through Vjal il-25 ta’ Novembru, then left to Triq Alfred Cachia Zammit, serving the bus stops along this road and will turn around back with the next roundabout to continue the normal route towards Żejtun centre.

The return route will not be affected.